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Happy Valley Hash House Harriers


A Warm Welcome To The Happy Valley Hash House Harriers


We are an informal group of friends who meet every Thursday afternoon for a little exercise and socialising afterwards.  We run, jog or walk in the beautiful Cyprus countryside for around 5 km following a pre-laid route, known as a trail, and this is designed for most levels of fitness – shortcutting is allowed! 

If you are a jogger (no matter your ability) and want to participate with fellow joggers why not give us a try - our ages range from 8 to 80+ and we have all ability levels! If your jogging days are in the past, then come along and join the walk which follows a similar trail on similar terrain. 

Our hashes, depending on the temperature, last between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

Hashing as it is known began in the 1930’s amongst ex-pats in the Far East who decided that they needed to take some exercise (see History section) and so began the phenomenon which grew into 3000 clubs worldwide.  Essentially it is based on the old 19th century idea of hare and hounds.  The hares go out the day before the hash and lay 2 trails designed to accommodate all levels of fitness and then the participants (hounds) follow one of these trails, with guidance being given as required by the hares.

The whole emphasis of a Hash is to exercise in an informal way without any competitive pressures and then to relax afterwards with friends over a nice cool beer or soft drink. On the first Thursday of the month we go to a taverna after the run in the Winter or have a BYO picnic under the trees in the Summer.  We also have the occasional weekend away and socials at Christmas and other times of the year.

Happy Valley is an open Hash and welcomes everybody including families, children and dogs. All you need is a pair of trainers and some old clothes that will cope with the local terrain – we normally hash along tracks or cross country and try to avoid all tarmac. So why not give us a try – just go to our contacts page and email or ring anyone’s   on the Committee - we will be pleased to help you. Keep smiling, this is HAPPY Valley Hash!! 

ON ON (as we say on the hash when we find the trail)

Lydene Flower 

On President 


Hash Weather

Run 1119 Thursday 13th February 2025 at 1500 hrs - Clive - Kivides

From Erimi Bridge travel north on the old Troodos Rd (601) passing Kantou/Souni and Zanadja. Just leading in to Kivides there is a sign left for Ktima Vikis where a HV sign will direct you to RV. For those coming from Paphos/ Pissouri take turn off for Sotira just through Tunnel. Travel north to Zanadja where you will eventually hit Old Troodos rd (601) . Turn left towards Kivides and directions as above. Follow signs to RV.


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New Members

If you wish to become a member of the Happy Valley Hash House Harriers, or you are a visitor, call in at any time - you will be most welcome.

Please email your details to:
(or complete the form above)